Table of Contents

Example usage

This package sits in the Nemerle.Logging namespace. It is a mental shortcut for the following:

#define VERB

class A {
  SomeMethod () : void
    #if VERB
    DoLog ("some stuff");
    #if VERB
    def previous_value = GetValue ();
    UpdateValue ();
    #if VERB
    DoLog ($ "value $(GetValue ()) --> $previous_value");

The above is replaced by:

using Nemerle.Logging;
[assembly: LogFunction (DoLog)]
[assembly: LogFlag (VERB, true)]

class A {
  SomeMethod () : void
    log (VERB, "some stuff");
    whenlogging (VERB)
      def previous_value = GetValue ();
    UpdateValue ();
    log (VERB, $ "value change $previous_value --> $(GetValue ())");

The flags set with LogFlag are global to the current compilation. Same goes to the LogFunction. It is an error to use log (or whenlogging) with an unknown flag (use LogFlag (FOO, false) to disable given flag). This should save you from typos.

Setting a flag or printing function several times is also an error.

Enabling given logging is a compile time operation -- without the flag the logging code is not compiled in.

It is also allowed to pass several arguments to the logging function, provided it supports such overload. So the code like below is OK:

[LogFunction (DoLog)]
DoLog (color : int, s : string) : void { ... }
log (SOME_FLAG, 12, "ble bla");

Specifying multiple logging functions

If you want to customize which logging function is used for every flag, you can specify mapping from each flag name to logging function. It is done by listing expressions of form FLAG => func_expr as arguments of LogFunction.

For example you may want to use log4net's functions for Debug and Info, so you specify:

using Nemerle.Logging;

[assembly: LogFunction (DEBUG => log4net_category.Debug, TRACE => log4net_category.Info)]

and then

log (DEBUG, "I'm here");
log (TRACE, "enter business functionality");

will use log4net_category.debug in first expression and in second.


The following won't work (that is x and y will be local to the scope):

whenlogging (FOO) {
  def x = ...;
  def y = ...;


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